Yuri Zerpa: IPH Grupo Logístico expects to grow 20% in the mining logistics sector


Yuri Zerpa: IPH Grupo Logístico expects to grow 20% in the mining logistics sector

PERUMIN 36’ logistics operator is IPH Grupo Logístico, a company that expects to achieve double-digit market share growth in the area of logistic services for the mining sector by providing customized services with competitive costs and new technological tools, as reported by the Sales Manager, Yuri Zerpa, in the following interview.

What are the objectives of IPH Grupo Logístico in relation to PERUMIN 36?

IPH Grupo Logístico, as official logistics operator of PERUMIN 36, seeks to develop logistics services with efficiency, safety and within the deadlines set by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, organizer of the mining convention.

As participants of PERUMIN 36, we seek to strengthen our position in the mining, chemical-metallurgical, and general industries, and to expand our network of contacts in these sectors.

What products and/or services will the company present to the mining ecosystem?

We will provide logistics services related to international cargo transportation, customs brokerage, national land transportation, logistics operations for lifting, unloading and storage of all types of goods.

We will showcase our success stories in the logistics field and will re-launch our international freight forwarding services from our U.S. branch.

How much do you expect to grow in the mining logistics sector and how will you do it?

Our projection is 20% and we are on an excellent track. We believe that we will surpass this goal. We are achieving this by offering an integral quality logistics service with competitive costs and processes tailored to each business partner.

What are the main challenges in terms of transportation and warehousing?
There are new challenges in international cargo transportation linked to global climate change, and it is our responsibility to operate responsibly and efficiently.

With respect to domestic land transportation, challenges come from the political situation and increases in the international price of fuel.

Finally, in the area of warehousing, we seek to optimize our processes and spaces to serve our customers in a sustainable manner.

How are new technologies optimizing the logistics service for mining?

New technologies are impacting the industry positively, every day we have new technological tools that make the logistics chain flexible and more efficient.

What new projects with mining companies will you carry out in the near future?
Our main clients are mining suppliers; therefore, the projects that our clients develop with mining companies have a positive impact on our volume of operations.