The Return of the Dragon: Over 125 Chinese Companies Will Participate in the Technological Fair at PERUMIN


The Return of the Dragon: Over 125 Chinese Companies Will Participate in the Technological Fair at PERUMIN
  • China will be back at PERUMIN. Companies from the Asian giant will occupy 40% of the stands among foreign delegations in the International Pavilion.

After a brief absence due to the pandemic, China, the giant Asian country, returns this year to the PERUMIN Mining Convention. This event will welcome over 65,000 national and international participants in Arequipa from September 25 to 29.

More than 125 leading Chinese companies will showcase their latest advances and developments for mining at EXTEMIN, the most prestigious technological mining fair in the region. Here they will seek to close business deals and consolidate their position as strategic allies of the Peruvian mining sector. 

“We are pleased to welcome China, our primary commercial partner, back at PERUMIN. Our country is the leading destination for Chinese mining investment in Latin America. Therefore, China’s presence in this new edition is of utmost importance,” said Carlos Diez Canseco, general manager of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers. 

In this edition of the EXTEMIN fair, China will account for 40% of the stands among the ten foreign delegations in the International Pavilion. This is proof of the great power of this Asian giant. 

China is the only country that will have two operators at this edition of EXTEMIN: CMEC International Exhibition Co. Ltd. y China Council For The Promotion Of International Trade Machinery Sub-council.

 Friendly Relationships

Bilateral relationships between Asians and Peruvians started accelerating after 2004, when Peru granted China the market economy status. In 2008, this bond between the two countries became stronger following a “strategic alliance” that led to the China-Peru Free Trade Agreement in 2009.

However, our relationship with this economic power dates further back, as Carlos Aquino, coordinator of the Center for Asian Studies, mentioned. Peru was the first country in the region to establish diplomatic relations with China, in 1874.

“We can say that, in Latin America, Peru is the friendliest country towards China. It is very receptive to Chinese investments. That is why Chinese investors feel very welcome here. And let us not forget that our country hosts the largest Chinese community in the region,” he stated.

Aquino added that Chinese companies have invested over US$ 30 billion in Peru across various projects, including Las Bambas, which accounts for one-third of that total. In addition, China is the largest investor in the Peruvian mining portfolio, with a total of 7 projects (US$ 10.569 billion), making up 20% of the portfolio.