The Peruvian Mining Company Alpayana Is Focused on Acquiring other Mining Units in the Coming Years


The Peruvian Mining Company Alpayana Is Focused on Acquiring other Mining Units in the Coming Years
  • First, it acquired Los Quenuales, and now is planning do the same with Compañía Minera Argentum.

“At PERUMIN 36, Alpayana mining company will announce its expansion and growth plan with the aim of establishing itself as a leading mining group at a local and regional level," stated CEO Fernando Arrieta during an interview with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.

He mentioned that Alpayana, through its four mining units—Americana, Yauliyacu, Iscaycruz, and soon Morococha—seeks to generate a positive impact with its actions, with the purpose of continuing to create opportunities for its surroundings. This reaffirms the mining company's ongoing commitment to our country.

“A clear example of this is the recent agreement to acquire Compañía Minera Argentum, currently awaiting authorization by Indecopi. This company owns the Morococha mining unit and aims to find synergies in our operations, due to its proximity to other mining units of the Alpayana mining group,” he said.

He also noted that this acquisition follows that of the mining company Los Quenuales and its Yauliyacu and Iscaycruz mining units, a process that concluded in December 2022. Since then, they have been working on integration plans in operations, environmental matters, community relations, and Alpayana's culture.

"All these acquisitions are part of our goal to become the leading Peruvian-owned mining group in the region. Therefore, we remain focused on the objective of continued growth and, in the coming years, incorporating other mining units to create more growth and development opportunities," emphasized the executive.

Regarding environmental responsibility, Fernando Arrieta mentioned that Alpayana has received two recognitions in the "Huella de Carbono Perú" (Carbon Footprint Peru) program by the Ministry of Environment (MINAM). They have also initiated the measurement of the water footprint of the Americana mining unit to obtain the Blue Certification from the National Water Authority (ANA) and have implemented an Integrated Management System for the environment, safety, and health.

Furthermore, in terms of community engagement, he explained that the mining company makes significant social contributions, particularly in the areas of education and health. For instance, the Casapalca Health Post is now equipped with modern infrastructure and will soon be classified as I-3, according to the Ministry of Health (MINSA).

“This upgrade will allow the health facility to have more medical staff and specialties to provide personalized care to thousands of people in the Casapalca annex. This quality healthcare initiative complements their efforts in education and economic development," pointed out the CEO of Minera Alpayana.