More than 50% of SENATI Graduates in the Southern Region Are Employed by the Mining Sector


More than 50% of SENATI Graduates in the Southern Region Are Employed by the Mining Sector
  • This was stated by José Luis Cerrón Argandoña, the Arequipa - Puno regional director of SENATI.

“In the case of the Arequipa - Puno regional branch, almost all study programs are related to the mining sector. If you ask for a percentage, we are talking about more than 50%," said José Luis Cerrón, the Arequipa - Puno regional director of SENATI, in an interview with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.

Furthermore, José Luis Cerrón indicated that 98% of their graduates work in their field of study, and over 95% of their students find employment even before completing their studies. This high employability is attributed to SENATI's dual education system, which means they have agreements with companies for students to complement their education with internships during the last three semesters of their six-semester studies.

With the arrival of PERUMIN 36, scheduled to be held from September 25 to 29 in Arequipa, José Luis Cerrón recognizes that the impact will be very positive on the country's economy, especially in the southern region. It will also be beneficial for institutions like SENATI, which provides qualified technical personnel for the mining industry, as they can connect with the industry, learn about the latest technological advancements, and understand the types of professionals the industry needs.

“Nationwide, we have more than 100,000 students; in Arequipa-Puno, there are 13,000 students, and there are many programs related to mining. By being in contact with the mining industry, they inform us about upcoming developments and their needs. This space serves to express what new technologies are emerging and what qualified personnel they will require, and that is where SENATI’s collaboration comes into play," he stated.

He also praised the development of the PERUMIN School Leaders volunteer program, for which SENATI has provided a list of students who will participate as stand staff at the EXTEMIN technology fair.

“This is a great opportunity for young people, both men and women, to network and find employment quickly. In the end, it becomes a virtuous circle because the industry benefits, and ultimately, the local, regional, and national economy benefits," he noted.

He expressed great anticipation for the opportunity to participate in live broadcasts of PERUMIN conferences, which for the first time will be held free of charge at universities offering mining-related programs.

"It would be a great opportunity for us to participate in the live broadcasts that will take place with some universities. It would also be interesting to work on this with SENATI, which is closely related to the mining sector," he said.

Diversity and Inclusion in Mining 

On another note, he highlighted that, just as the mining sector is currently focused on female workforce inclusion, this female participation is also reflected in SENATI's student population nationwide.

“Another important issue in mining today is gender parity. Mining is now increasing the hiring of female personnel, and this is a trend that is gradually changing in the region. Eight years ago, SENATI had a 6% female population; today, we are talking about 23%, both nationally and in the southern region of the country," he pointed out.