Mining Investment Reactivation Will Be the Main Issue for Discussion at PERUMIN 36


Mining Investment Reactivation Will Be the Main Issue for Discussion at  PERUMIN 36
  • The work program will address key topics related to territorial development, climate change, energy transition, illegal and informal mining, among others.
  • The leading Mining Convention in Latin America and the world has finalized its dates, with the event scheduled to take place at the Cerro Juli Convention Center in Arequipa from September 25 to 29.

PERUMIN 36 is in its countdown phase. The Organizing Committee of the leading Mining Convention in Latin America and the world, in collaboration with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), announced in a press conference that PERUMIN 36 will convey a clear message to authorities and entrepreneurs throughout the country: Mining investments are necessary and essential to recover Peru's economic development.

“In response to declining mining investments and incidents of violence against the mining sector, PERUMIN 36 introduces the slogan “Investment that generates welfare and sustainable development.” This was affirmed by the president of the Organizing Committee, Miguel Cardozo, who reported that invitations have already been extended to State authorities to participate in this event, which will address crucial topics for industry reactivation.

“The most affected by the challenging situation facing the Peruvian economy are the people. We need to make decisions that boost our economy and promote investments that create jobs and generate income for the State. If we persist in missing opportunities and delaying investments, we impede the creation of a brighter future for all citizens," said the president of PERUMIN 36.

Mining Summit Agenda

Among the topics to be discussed at PERUMIN 36’s Mining Summit is the analysis of global trends in the mineral business, where Peru stands out as a leading mining producer and the world's second-largest copper producer. The summit will also examine the efforts made by various countries to enhance their competitiveness and advance their project portfolios.

As explained by the President of the Mining Summit, Victor Gobitz, “global demand for metals is on the rise, and countries are in a constant search for capital, with greater incentives, clear and effective sustainability policies, and robust community relations, among others,” stated Gobitz. In response to this situation, he explained that the agenda also encompasses key aspects such as water management, climate change, clean energy, territorial development, diversity and inclusion, illegal and informal mining, among others.

Strengthening Dialogue and Collaborative Efforts 

PERUMIN 36 is confirmed to take place at the Cerro Juli Convention Center in Arequipa from September 25 to 29. It aims to serve as a platform for fostering dialogue and multi-stakeholder collaboration for the benefit of the industry and the country. “We all share the responsibility of ensuring that mining generates greater benefits for the population, including companies— through their sustainable practices—and authorities who allocate public resources in favor of the population,” added Miguel Cardozo.

In this regard, the President of the Rumbo a PERUMIN program of activities, Domingo Drago, highlighted the industry's efforts to promote discussion and knowledge about mining. This includes six events held after the last PERUMIN, featuring decentralized sessions in the Northern and Central macro-regions and Arequipa. Topics covered span from territorial development to social conflict and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policies.

It is worth noting that PERUMIN 36 has the support of the Canadian government, which has recognized Peru's mining tradition and the industry's commitment to sustainability practices. According to the Organizing Committee, the event expects the participation of national, regional, and municipal authorities, public officials, multilateral organizations, academics, civil society organizations, representatives of rural communities, mining companies, as well as international delegations.

Over 700 Organizations Will Be Attending PERUMIN 36, with an Expected Turnout of 60,000 Visitors

PERUMIN 36, with the slogan “Investment that generates welfare and sustainable development,” has designed a program of activities and spaces to offer attendees a professional training experience, exposure to new technologies and business practices, networking opportunities, business agreements, and a chance to immerse themselves in the culture and tradition of Arequipa.

The Organizing Committee anticipates welcoming over 60,000 visitors during the Mining Convention, from September 25 to 29. For them, PERUMIN 36 will feature its traditional segments, including the Mining Summit—a large plenary session for discussing key industry development topics—and the Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability Forum (TIS Forum), which includes four rooms for technical and specialized presentations, scientific information, discussion forums, and more. 

Additionally, there is the Technological Mining Exhibition (EXTEMIN), where more than 700 public and private organizations participate across 1,170 stands grouped into six pavilions. Among these, the “International Pavilion” is a highlight, featuring nine foreign delegations. 

In this edition, PERUMIN 36 will be introducing two new programs open to participants on the first day of the Convention. On the one hand, Canada, the event’s partner country, will lead the forum titled “Canadian Leadership in Sustainable and Climate-Smart Mining,” where it will unveil its strategy to promote efficient economic growth through mining.

On the other hand, the forum “Mining of the Future” will delve into critical topics for the sustainable development of the mining industry, including energy transition, climate change, sustainability in the sector, among others. 

We will also maintain our regular programs, such as the International Meeting, PERUMIN Hub, and PERUMIN Inspira. Moreover, the Mining Convention will be a carbon-neutral event, featuring the Virtual Mine, the National School Award, and the School Leaders program.

It is important to highlight that PERUMIN 36 will ensure equal access for people with disabilities in a comfortable and secure environment. The Mining Convention will also include artistic performances and renowned restaurants, showcasing the culinary excellence of Arequipa.