For the first time, Peruvian Universities will have Access to Live Broadcasting of PERUMIN 36


For the first time, Peruvian Universities will have Access to Live Broadcasting of PERUMIN 36
  • UNI, San Marcos, PUCP and UPC are the 4 universities that have already confirmed their participation in the initiative that will provide free access to the live broadcast. 

Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) are the 4 universities that have already confirmed their participation in the initiative that will provide free access to the live broadcast of the Mining Summit of PERUMIN 36.

This is the first time that the organizers of the event grant this benefit, with the aim of contributing to the professional training of students in careers related to the mining industry. For this reason, all 25 universities in the country that teach Mining Engineering, Geology and Metallurgy have been invited to be part of the transmissions.

"It is a dream come true. As a mining engineer with over 33 years working in the mines, I have participated on several occasions in this important event, which is one of the best in the world and brings together very experienced people in the mining field" said Juan Jara, coordinator of the Mining Management Engineering program at UPC.

It will certainly be very enriching for the students to have access to all the conferences of the Mining Summit program, the main space for dialogue on the mining agenda, where the main global and national CEOs of the largest mining companies located in our country will be present. 

"It is great that they have planned the event so that students can watch the Mining Summit conferences live. We are already organizing ourselves to have a proper environment and to invite our students. We expect to have an average of 90 students per day accessing the lectures," added Jara regarding the turnout at UPC.

The Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) continues to coordinate with the universities, so it is expected that more of them will join in the transmission of conferences and thus the information will reach hundreds of students throughout the country.

To carry out the transmissions, the IIMP will assign a user and password for personal and non-transferable use to each university, with which they will be able to access live the contents of the Mining Summit and show it to the students.


PERUMIN 36, the leading mining convention in Latin America and the world, will be held from September 25 to 29 at the Cerro Juli Convention Center in Arequipa. This main event, organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), will bring together the most prominent leaders of the global mining sector, investors, researchers and professionals to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the mining industry.

For more information about this great event, please visit: