Eleven Regional Governors Have Confirmed Their Attendance to PERUMIN to Date


Eleven Regional Governors Have Confirmed Their Attendance to PERUMIN to Date

One of the main highlights of the PERUMIN Mining Convention will be the presence of regional governors. To date, eleven governors have confirmed their attendance. They will participate in various activities during the week of the event organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and scheduled to be held from September 25 to 29 in Arequipa.

“We must highlight that this is the first time we have eleven regional governors participating in PERUMIN. We feel honored to have them, and it is very important that they understand firsthand what mining could mean for the development of their respective territories," noted Carlos Diez Canseco, general manager of the IIMP.

The governors who have confirmed their attendance to PERUMIN are Rohel Sánchez, governor of Arequipa and president of the National Assembly of Regional Governors; Werner Salcedo Álvarez, governor of Cusco; and Jorge Pérez Flores, governor of Lambayeque and president of the Regional Commonwealth of Northern Peru.

Also in attendance will be governors Rosa Vásquez (Lima), Luis Neyra (Piura), Wilfredo Oscorima (Ayacucho), Leoncio Huayllani (Huancavelica), Antonio Leonidas Pulgar (Huánuco), Richard Hancco (Puno), Gilia Gutiérrez (Moquegua), and Jorge Chávez (Loreto). Patricia Donayre, coordinator of the National Assembly of Regional Governors, will also be present.



The governors' activities will begin on Monday, September 25, with the inauguration of the EXTEMIN technological fair in Plaza del Sol. After lunch, they will participate in the “Canada, Partner Country” and the “Future Mining” forums, two new dialogue sessions at PERUMIN. These sessions will be held in the main David Ballón hall.

On Tuesday, September 26, they will be attending the Mining Summit in the morning and afternoon. They will also be attending the Business Luncheons, alongside Fernanda Ávila, secretary of mining of Argentina; Aurora Williams, minister of mines of Chile; and Oscar Vera Gargurevich, minister of energy and mines of Peru.

Additionally, on Wednesday, September 27, in the morning, the governors will visit the Cerro Verde mine, one of the largest producers of copper concentrates and cathodes in Peru. Then they will attend the BHP - Repsol Business Luncheon, which will feature the presence of René Muga, VP of corporate affairs at BHP Minerals Americas, and Maribel Rodríguez, senior business development manager for Hydrogen at Repsol. The day will conclude with a Territorial Development workshop.

On Thursday, September 28, there will be a luncheon with regional governors to discuss the "Contribution of Mining to Regional Development." This event will be attended by Rohel Sánchez (Arequipa), Werner Salcedo Álvarez (Cusco), and Jorge Pérez Flores (Lambayeque). The session will be moderated by Claudia Cooper, vice president of sustainability and external affairs at Compañía Minera Antamina. The governors' participation will conclude on Friday, September 29, with the awards ceremony and the closing of PERUMIN.