Miguel Cardozo

President PERUMIN 36

Miguel Cardozo

Dr. Cardozo is an Exploration Geologists graduated at the Universidad Nacional de IngenierĂ­a - Lima and with a PhD degree from the University of Heidelberg - Germany. He has 49 years of mineral exploration experience throughout the Americas and has occupied senior management roles with Newmont, North Limited amongst other major mining companies. Dr. Cardozo leaded the team that discovered the Yanacocha gold district in 1985 and the Galeno copper-gold porphyry deposit in 1994. He is also experienced in organizing and managing mining businesses and operations of different sort and at various degrees of complexity and advancement. He is currently the President and CEO of Alturas Minerals Corp a junior exploration company dual listed at the Toronto and Lima Stock Exchanges and the founder of the family-owned CP Group S.A.C. holding company comprising ExploAndes, Explosupport, Explotrack, Geodrones, Helix Bios Peru and IPC Salud that provide a variety of services to the mining industry, construction, energy, medicine, and other business sectors.