Louis Marcotte

Ambassador of Canada to Peru and Bolivia

Louis Marcotte

Mr. Louis Marcotte (MA [Political Science], Paris II University, 1990; MSc [International Management], Laval University, 1994) joined the public service in 1994 through a management development program. In 2001, he was appointed director of marketing in the Trade Commissioner Service of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade before going on assignment to Caracas as senior trade commissioner. Upon his return, he served as director of commercial relations with Europe for 2 years and then was promoted to director general of the Locally Engaged Staff Bureau. He served as executive director to the chief trade commissioner from 2011 to 2013 and then as director general, investment and innovation. In 2017, he was appointed as Canada’s chief air negotiator and, in 2020, director general and dean of the Canadian Foreign Service Institute.