Eva Arias

Executive President, Compañía Minera Poderosa

Eva Arias

She graduated as an architect from the National  Engineering University (UNI). 

Currently, she is Executive President of the Board of Directors of Compañía Minera Poderosa,  President of the Board of Directors of Asociación Pataz, Director of Compañía Minera San Ignacio  de Morococha (SIMSA), Director and Member of the Advisory Council of the National Society of Mining, Oil and Energy (SNMPE), Second Vice President and Member of the Board of Directors of  the Board of Patronato UNI (ProUNI), Member of the Mining Committee of the Canada-Peru  Chamber of Commerce (CCCP), Member of the Governing Council of the Association for the Progress of Management (APD), Member of the Business Advisory Council of the International  Foundation for La Libertad (FIL), Member of the Consultative Council of the Mining Management  Engineering Degree at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), Member of the Mining  Consultative Council PAD-CARD School of Management University de Piura, Member of the Advisory Committee of the Regional Committee of Business, State, Academy and Organized Civil  Society (CREEAS), Founding Member of Entrepreneurs for Integrity (ExI), Honorary Member of  the Society of Engineers of Peru (SIP), Honorary Member of Women in Mining Peru (WIM), Member of Women Corporate Directors (WCD), Member of the Advisory Council and Honorary  Member of the Association of Business Women of Peru (AMEP), among others.