Alexandra Guaqueta

Partner and Global Social Performance Leader at ERM

Alexandra Guaqueta

PhD. in International Relations from Oxford, with more than 10 years of experience in business and human rights, peacebuilding, Latin American regional security, drug trafficking and dissemination of democratic norms.  She worked for Oxy (2002-2004) in the implementation of new human rights standards and was Head of Social Standards and International Engagement at Cerrejón (2008-2011). She was Senior Associate of the Economic Agendas in Civil Wars Program of the International Peace Institute (2001-2002) and Coordinator of the Regional Security Cooperation Program of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation-Colombia (2004-2008). Guáqueta is a member of the High Level Advisory Committee of the European Commission's draft Sectoral Guidelines on Business and Human Rights, the Board of Trustees of Shift, the Human Rights Council of the World Economic Forum and the Stakeholder Advisory Committee of BetterCoal.