
Carla Toledo

Carla Toledo

Operations Officer, International Finance Corporation - IFC

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Ana María Choquehuanca

Ana María Choquehuanca

Minister of Production of Peru

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Werner Salcedo

Werner Salcedo

Regional Governor of Cusco

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Rohel Sánchez

Rohel Sánchez

Regional Governor of Arequipa and President of ANGR

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Rómulo Mucho

Rómulo Mucho

Past President, Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers - IIMP

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Silvana Vargas

Silvana Vargas

PUCP Professor and former Minister of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru

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Oscar Vera Gargurevich

Oscar Vera Gargurevich

Minister of Energy and Mines of Peru

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Gaspar Frontini

Gaspar Frontini

European Union Ambassador for Peru

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Mathias Cormann

Mathias Cormann

Secretary General, OECD

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Juan Carlos Mathews

Juan Carlos Mathews

Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

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Alonso Segura

Alonso Segura

Former Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru / PUCP

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María Julia Aybar

María Julia Aybar

Vice President and President of the Hydrocarbons Sector Committee, National Society of Mining, Oil and Energy - SNMPE

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