Silvana Vargas

PUCP Professor and former Minister of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru

Silvana Vargas

Ph.D. in Rural Sociology and Demography from the Pennsylvania State University, USA. Professor of the Department of Social Sciences – Sociology Section at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP).

She has extensive experience in applied research (quantitative and qualitative) in the fields of human development, territorial development, multidimensional poverty and food security. She has worked for the international technical cooperation, public sector, grassroots organizations and research centers.

At PUCP, she has been Director of the Master Program in Sociology and Executive Director of the Institute for Human Development of Latin America (IDHAL PUCP). She was Minister of Development and Social Inclusion during the transition and emergency government led by President Francisco Sagasti.  Currently, she serves as Academic Director of Social Responsibility at PUCP.