Vinio Floris

Director, Center for Water and Environmental Management, GERENS Graduate School

Vinio Floris

Dr. Floris is an experienced professional in water resources management, environmental, sustainability, ESG and occupational safety in mining and energy. In Peru, he is a professor at GÄšRENS Post Graduate School and the Director of its Center for Water and Environmental Resources Management. He is also a Professor at the National University of San Marcos, where he teaches post graduate doctorate students in the School of Administrative Sciences. Additionally, Dr. Floris is a professor of Sustainability at the SKEMA Graduate School in France. Previously, he has been an international consultant for the IDB, World Bank, IFC, CAF, as well as development agencies of donor countries. In the private sector, he has worked for top organizations such as Veolia, CEMEX, USEPA, and the Port of Houston. He has worked in over 25 countries. He is currently the Director of Health, Safety, Environment, Quality and Sustainability at AXIOs Industrial Group- an industrial services company in Houston, Texas.

Dr. Floris is an agricultural engineer form the National Agricultural University-La Molina and earned a PhD in Civil-Environmental Engineering from Colorado State University, an MBA from Texas A&M University, and an MPA-Economics and Environmental Management from Harvard University. He is an Environmental fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. Dr. Floris is a CSP (Certified Safety Professional), a BCEE (Board Certified Environmental Engineer), and a PE (Professional Engineer) in water resources in the State of Texas. He is an editorial board member (as expert in water resources and sustainability) of the Public Works Management & Policy Journal which focuses on the planning, financing, and sustainable development of critical infrastructure systems. Dr. Floris is a renowned international speaker, researcher, visionary and prolific writer on the topics of water resources, environment, sustainability, climate change, mining, energy, and occupational safety.