Juan Luis Kruger

CEO, Minsur

Juan Luis Kruger

Juan Luis Kruger, CEO of the Mining Division of BRECA since March 2013. Mr. Kruger has more than 25 years serving in top management positions in multinational companies in the mining, financial, telecommunications, commercial aviation and consumer goods industries in various countries of America, as well as experience in strategic consulting at McKinsey Co.

Prior to Minsur, Mr. Kruger was the Executive Vice-President for the Americas of Gold Fields Ltd. and CEO of Gold Fields La Cima S.A. He previously served as CEO of Lan Peru S.A. and, CFO of Glencore´s operations for the region. 

Juan Luis is also Director and member of the Executive Committee of the Sociedad Nacional de Minería, Petróleo y Energía of Perú and Past President of the Mining Sector.

He holds a degree in Business Administration from Universidad del Pacifico and a Master in Business Administration from Harvard Business School.