José Venegas

Former Executive Secretary, National Energy Commission (Chile)

José Venegas

JOSE AGUSTIN VENEGAS MALUENDA, Civil Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and MBA from the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez.

Top Executive of ENDESA de Chile from 1992 to 2015 and ENDESA Spain from 2005 to 2015 in   all business areas of the energy industry. Regional Corporate Manager of Trading and Marketing/Energy Management for Latin America, a key role in defining energy management, policies and commercial supervision of ENDESA companies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. 

Boar Member of EMGESA, Colombia (2000 - 2010). Vice President of Comercializadora del Mercosur (CEMSA), Argentina (2001-Jan2015). Vice President of the Energy Integration Company (CIEN), Brazil (2001-Jan2015). Director of EMGESA Peru. He has also had active participation in the LNG business, being board member of GNLQ, President of GNLChile and negotiator of the original international agreements that allowed the arrival of LNG to Chile.

In 2015, he left ENDESA/Enel and dedicated to consulting work for electricity companies and large industrial consumers in matters such as negotiation of energy supply contracts, regulation, international acquisition of LNG, etc.

In August 2018, the President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, appointed him Executive Secretary of the National Energy Commission of Chile, a position he held until March 2022.