Jaime Chávez Riva

Vice Minister of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru

Jaime Chávez Riva

Lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, with more than 30 years of professional experience in the mining sector and public administration. He currently serves as Vice Minister of Mines. Likewise, he has advised the Ministerial Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (2022), and the Vice Ministerial Office of Mines (2009-2022). Previously, he has held the presidency of the Board of Directors of the Geological Mining Metallurgical Institute - INGEMMET (2007-2009), and the head of the National Institute of Mining Concessions and Cadastre - INACC (2006-2007). He, in turn, served as Director of Regulations of the General Directorate of Mining (2006) and was in charge of various directorates of the Public Registry of Mining (1994-1998).