Carlos Ávila

President of Non-Operated Assets, BHP Minerals Americas

Carlos Ávila

Carlos Avila has worked for close to 30 years in the mining industry, half of them with the Chilean Copper
Corporation (Codelco - Chile), and since 2007 with BHP in different executive roles.
After serving as Planning Manager, Vice President of Planning and Vice President of Mining at Minera
Escondida, he was named Vice President of Mining Projects of BHP's based on Melbourne. In 2016,
Carlos was appointed Vice President of Planning and Technical of BHP Minerals Americas. In 2018, He
was requested as Vice President of Human Resources acting for Minerals Americas. After close to a
year in the HR position, Carlos resumed his role as Vice President Planning & Technical.
Since January 2021, Carlos Avila has been in the role of Asset President Non-Operated Joint Ventures
(NOJV) Minerals Americas leading a portfolio that includes Antamina in Perú, Resolution in the US, and
Samarco and Renova in Brazil.
Carlos is a civil mining engineer from the Chile ́s University, holds a Master of Science degree in mining
engineering from the Colorado School of Mines and has diplomas in Project Management from the
Denver University, and Advanced Management and Leadership from the University of Oxford.