Domingo Drago

President of Heading to PERUMIN

Domingo Drago

Mr. Drago earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Universidad de Lima and an MBA from Universidad Diego Portales (Chile). He has also pursued specialisation studies at University of Cambridge and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile). He has more than 30 years of management experience in the areas of Sustainability, Corporate Affairs, Legal Affairs and Communications.

Currently, Domingo is the Director and Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainable Development of Gold Fields’ Americas Region. He has been Vice President of Corporate Affairs at major mining companies such as MMG Americas, Glencore Xstrata, Xstrata Copper and Xstrata Tintaya.

Mr. Drago is also Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Mining Sector Committee of Peru’s National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy, and Chairman of the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Committee of the Peruvian Canadian Chamber of Commerce.