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Lugar: Centro de Convenciones Cerro Juli


Speakers details




Mining Operations 
TT-303 Process monitoring with artificial intelligence
Leonardo Bravo, Nexa Resources


Mining Operations
TT-164 Automated system for the use of calibrators in mechanized shotcrete support - Uchucchacua Unit - Compañía de Minas Buenaventura
Rudy Beltran, Cía. de Minas Buenaventura


Mining Operations 
TT-061 Alteration of rock mass and rock material pH and its implication on the geotechnical behavior of mining structures.
Christ Barriga, Universidad Nacional de Moquegua


Mining Operations 
TT-153 "Ventilation improvements for sustainable mechanized mining of Huaron Mine".
Gustavo García, Pan American Silver Perú - Mina Shahuindo


Geology and Explorations 
TT-195 Marginal ore segregation as a tool to increase Au grades at La Arena mine. 
Freddy Maldonado, Panamerican Silver – Mina La Arena


Geology and Explorations
TT-016 Prism B – Artificial Intelligence to predict location, quantity and quality of precious metal in banks below the operating level. 
Maycol Benavides, Mineprism


Geology and Explorations
TT-048 Uncertainty analysis of Au grade and metal content at the Mirador Pit
Enrique Gutierrez, CIA de Minas Buenaventura


Environmental Management 
TT-478 Healthy water for communities 
Alejandro Justiniano, Anglo American


Social Management
TT-103 Social conflict risk heat map.
Marcela Aliaga, Social Data


Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy  
TT-323 Use of dynamic simulation tools for process optimization.
Juan José Becker, Ausenco