Mining Operations
TT-258 Resilience of mining operations at Toquepala in the context of the global COVID 19 pandemic.
Anthony Saldaña, Southern Peru Copper Corporation, Grupo México
Mining Operations
TT-429 Implementation of a real time mine-to-plant traceability system
Ronald Ticona, Orica
Research and Mining Technology
TT-009 Stockpile Safety Antapaccay System
Fernando Altamirano, Minera Antapaccay (Antapaccay Mining System)
Research and Technology
TT-193 Optimization of chemical reactivation of activated carbon to improve gold grade in the Barren solution.
Ruben Segura, Pan American Silver – Mina La Arena
Research and Mining Technology
TT-051 Preventive mining through predictive environmental monitoring.
Sandro Ludeña, Anglo American
Research and Mining Technology
TT-090 IOT system for environment and flammable gas monitoring
Miguel Callasi, SENATI
Environmental Management
TT-444 Monitoring of vegetation cover in areas of progressive closure through remote sensing and NDVI .
Iván Salas, Hudbay Perú
Environmental Management
TT-326 Circular economy: Reutilization of acid water from the Quiulacocha tailings dam in Pasco for the irrigation of reforested areas in Excélsior environmental liabilities.
Manuel Quino, Mining Assets
Social Management
TT-500 Social risk management and conflict transformation system.
Artemio Pérez, Minera Antapaccay (Antapaccay Mining Company)
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy
TT-289 Increase of Ag recovery at Cajamarquilla refinery
Merly López, Nexa Resources Cajamarquilla