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Lugar: Centro de Convenciones Cerro Juli


Speakers details




Research and Mining Technology 
TT-202 Haulage fleet management with restrictive logics based on advanced trend analytics to optimize production yields and generate fuel savings at La Arena Mine.
Christian Villalobos, Panamerican Silver – Mina La Arena


Research and Mining Technology
TT-021 Wind and mini-hydro energy potential in the lower basins of the rivers running along mountain ranges, given their topology.
José Salas, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa


Research and Mining Technology
TT-155 Closure covers using native microorganisms to improve soil fertility: Minera La Zanja Case Study 
Gabriela Palomino, Cía. de Minas Buenaventura


Geology and Explorations
TT-077 Application of Machine Learning algorithms and statistical innovations in new methodologies for geochemical prospecting in the department of Puno.
Luis Tupa, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano (National University of Altiplano) 


Geology and Explorations
TT-109 Practical application of the nomogram in mathematical quality control.
Roy Coba, Minera Poderosa


Geology and Explorations
TT-346 Definition of the supergene profile and Cu enrichment over polymetallic mantles and its implication in the mining and recovery plan in the Colquijirca pit.
Ñieriton Vila, Minera El Brocal (El Brocal Mining Company)


Environmental Management 
TT-534 Environmental and biodiversity management in climate change strategy.
Jesús Carrasco, NTT Data Europe and Latam


Social Management
TT-134 Community relations and social conflict management: a model applying artificial intelligence.
Kiko Delgado, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Social Management
TT-372 Territorial approach and the role of mining for development - Rimay case in Cajamarca. 


Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy  
TT-523 TPH Predictive model based on geochemical proxies.